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Free of health problems

Cremation is the most recommended procedure to solve a hygiene and health problem.

The process is highly ecological. The gases produced by the combustion go through a post-combustion chamber where they are thermally purified. This ensures that there are no remains of any smoke and any biological elements are destroyed.

The prices for this service vary depending on the size of the animal and the type of cremation chosen –whether it is individual or collective-.  If a collective cremation is performed, the owners of the pets do not have the option of collecting the ashes of their animals; instead, their ashes re stored in hermetic boxes and taken to an authorized manager for treatment.

Call us on 606 870 315

Alvero Animal Crematorium
cremation of pets
Alvero Animal Crematorium
Pol. La Mies - nave 3 Tfnos. 942 598 077


Vargas - Puente Viesgo 606 870 315 - 616 419 987
© 2013 Alvero Cremarotio de Mascotas en Vargas